1. If you can’t make it to your scheduled class, please cancel your spot. This will let the teacher know who to expect (in studio or online) and will make your place available to other mums that may be in the waiting list.
  2. Cancellations of in-studio classes must be made via the online booking system or mobile app maximum 12 hours before a studio class, so that others can plan to come to this class with some time (i.e. pack a bag in the morning if they come straight from work).
  3.  Cancellations will not be accepted via phone or email.
  4. Your SuperMums account status will show a Late Cancel if you do not show up or cancel too late.
  5. If you cancel with less than 12 hours of notice before the class starts, it is called a late cancel and your class will be deducted.
  6. There is no cancellation window for online classes, as you will not be taking a spot that someone else could have taken instead.
  7. No-shows (in-studio or online) will result in deduction of the class.