
Frequently Asked Questions


How can I pay for a monthly plan (contract)?2021-09-11T02:01:32+02:00

Since contracts have recurring payments, these can only be done through credit card or SEPA bank transfer. At SuperMums we prefer SEPA due to the high transaction costs of the credit card :) If you want to support lower our fees, the SEPA transfer setup has to be done by Beatriz manually, so please don’t hesitate to contact her for this. Thank you!


I want to use my Ticket Sport or Consommation to pay for part of my contract though, is it possible?2021-09-15T13:20:15+02:00

Absolutely! Just bring the vouchers with you next time you see Beatriz. It is simpler if we do it at the beginning of the contract, but we can also modify one of the monthly payments to be paid for with your vouchers.

If the voucher amount is not enough for one payment, the balance will be charged to your recurrent payment option.

Sorry, we cannot accept:

  • Eco chèques
  • Titres service
  • Meal vouchers
Can I pause my contract?2024-09-02T23:25:20+02:00

Yes! You can request us to pause your contract for free for a variety of reasons:

  • Post partum quarantine: 6 weeks of pause for normal delivery, 8 weeks for a c-section.
  • Doctor’s notice impeding you to do any kind of sport, for example high risk pregnancy.
  • Free pause to accommodate for your holidays or busy times, of up to 4 weeks per year.

If you would like to pause your contract for longer, a fee of 50 € per month will be charged.

Pause request will be tacked as fast as possible but in high demand periods it may take up to a week, please plan your pause request in advance.

What happens if I can’t come to a class for a week?2021-11-08T17:28:28+01:00

No worries! You will not lose your class! If you have a monthly plan, and for whatever reason you can’t come one week, you have the possibility to catch that class up in the next (or previous) week. Essentially, you can use your classes anytime you want within that 4 week period.

If you skip the 4th week of the period, you can still catch up that last class on the 5th “extra” week.

So, can I also come more often than my plan allows me to?2021-09-11T12:59:03+02:00

Yes! In those months where you really want to exercise but don’t want to permanently upgrade your plan (or you are already with the WonderPlan 2 classes per week) you have the ability to buy top up classes that match your equivalent class price.

How do I buy top ups then?2021-09-11T00:45:48+02:00

The system will first use your classes in your monthly plan. If you want to come to an extra class, let’s say to your 5th class in the month and you are on the BusyMum plan (of 1 class per week), you will be out of classes. When trying to book the 5th class, the system will offer you the top up class in order to be able to finalize the booking. Please select “1 extra class” option. 


Is the contract auto-renewing?2021-09-11T02:12:30+02:00

Yes, for easiness the contract will auto-renew at the expiration date. If you wish for it to not auto-renew, you need to contact us before the expiration date.

What is the length of the contracts?2023-01-12T21:12:04+01:00


The contracts are meant for you to exercise during half a year or during a full year. Since the attendance to in-studio classes can be once or twice per week, the plans are arranged in groups of 4 weeks. It’s done this way because each month has a different number of weeks in them, and therefore  setting up a monthly plan with as many classes as weeks in it cannot be done in our current platform. The class allowance has to be fixed per cycle (eg, 4 per cycle, 8 per cycle…), and in the case of a nautral month cycle sometimes 4 classes would be needed and sometimes 5, depending on how many weeks that month has.

For a 12 month plan, the 52 weeks in a year are dividable by 4, and therefore there are 13 billing cycles. However, for the 6 month contract, 26 weeks is not dividable by 4, and hence we are using 24 weeks duration instead which is actually a bit less than 6 months, and it is therefore composed of 6 billing cycles of 4 weeks each, to keep the relationship of 6 months to 6 billing cycles.


What are my contract start and end dates?2023-06-13T10:10:26+02:00

You can find all your information in your MindBody profile here


What’s the point of the Flexipass?2021-09-11T02:24:01+02:00

The Flexipass is our traditional pricing option. It gives you the flexibility to pay per class, instead of having a monthly plan. It is intended for mums that just want to pay as they come, or that cannot commit for 6 months for whatever reason.

It also allows members with a monthly plan to attend the type of classes they don’t have a plan for. For example, if you have in-studio only plan, you can get a Flexipass to sporadically come to online classes too. And vice versa, if you are mostly an online user, but want to come once or twice to the studio, you can do so with a Flexipass.

What is the validity of the Flexipass?2021-09-11T02:25:51+02:00

The Flexipass gives you 5 credits, that you can spend in online, studio or personal training classes. These credits expire 3 months after purchase.

My credits are about to expire, can you extend their validity?2021-09-11T02:28:52+02:00

No. The Flexipass gives you 5 credits (so you can use it for 5 in studio classes for example), and lasts 3 months. There should be plenty of time to use them in this time. Consistency is key and in order to achieve results your frequency of exercising should be more than 5 times every 5 months. Exercise is essential! :)


How do I book a class?2021-09-11T00:44:31+02:00

In the Schedule page, you will see all the classes. You can select the one you want to come to. If you have a valid pricing option for that class, you are good to go. If not, you may acquire a pass or contract that is compatible with that specific class.

Since when can I book?2021-09-11T02:04:28+02:00

In order to avoid hogging the spaces, you are able to book each in-studio class 1 week in advance, and only one at a time.

Online classes may be booked recurrently, so in one go you can book that class for many weeks.


Up until when can I cancel my booking?2022-02-19T14:41:43+01:00
  1. If you can’t make it to your scheduled class, please cancel your spot. This will let the teacher know who to expect (in studio or online) and will make your place available to other mums that may be in the waiting list.
  2. Cancellations of in-studio classes must be made via the online booking system or mobile app maximum 12 hours before a studio class, so that others can plan to come to this class with some time (i.e. pack a bag in the morning if they come straight from work).
  3.  Cancellations will not be accepted via phone or email.
  4. Your SuperMums account status will show a Late Cancel if you do not show up or cancel too late.
  5. If you cancel with less than 12 hours of notice before the class starts, it is called a late cancel and your class will be deducted.
  6. There is no cancellation window for online classes, as you will not be taking a spot that someone else could have taken instead.
  7. No-shows (in-studio or online) will result in deduction of the class.
How do I enroll?2021-09-11T02:07:42+02:00

You can create your online account multiple ways:

  • At the MY ACCOUNT button in the menu,
  • By choosing a class in the schedule. You will be prompted to register to proceed with the booking,
  • By selecting a pricing option you would like to buy,
  • By clicking here:


I don’t have a credit card, how do I set up SEPA payments?2021-09-10T23:30:08+02:00

In order to set up SEPA bank transfers, we need your IBAN and BIC codes, it is a setup that cannot be done by you online so you need to come to us for this. Once your data is registered, it can be used to pay for anything, Monthly Plans and Flexipasses.

Can I still pay with my Sport or Consommation Vouchers?2021-09-15T13:23:07+02:00

Yes! Bring your vouchers with you next time and we will credit the amount to your account. Then, the next purchase you want to make, make sure you tell us so that we can use your account balance to pay for the pass!

We accept:

  • Sodexo Sport & Culture Pass
  • Sodexo Consumption Pass
  • Edenred Ticket Sport & Culture
  • Edenred Consumption Pass

We cannot accept:

  • Eco chèques
  • Titres service
  • Meal vouchers
I only want to pay in cash!2021-09-11T02:10:39+02:00

In this case contracts cannot be purchased, unless you pay for the whole duration of the contract in a lump sum. Otherwise, only Flexipass and non recurrent pricing options can be bought with cash.

I can’t purchase the member Flexipass2021-09-11T15:23:52+02:00

If you are not yet a SuperMums Member, you have first to purchase that contract. After that, the system will allow you to select the Flexipass card for members. Unfortunately you cannot do it in one go and add to the cart the membership and the Flexipass.

Online classes

When will I receive the link?2021-09-10T23:08:27+02:00

The link to the class is automatically sent by the system 30 minutes before the start time of the class. If you book later than these 30 minutes, the email will be sent 3 minutes after you book.

What equipment do I need for online classes?2021-09-10T23:13:38+02:00

You can do the online classes with stuff you have around the house.

Here is a list of items we usually use in class, and their replacement if you don’t have them:

  • Small dumbbels (2-5 kg) – Bottles of water
  • Kettlebells – Backpack full of heavy stuff like books
  • Fitball – This one you should really buy one :)
  • Elastic bands – Tights or an elastic t-shirt
  • Stick – Broomstick
  • Small ball – pillows
  • Half foam roller – pillows
I missed an online class! What can I do?2021-09-11T00:47:02+02:00

If you have a monthly subscription which includes online classes, you have access to the video on demand library. There you will find all the classes for you to replay, as all virtual classes are recorded.

If I have a studio-only contract, can I still attend online classes from time to time?2021-09-10T23:22:02+02:00

Yes. If you don’t want to get the Unlimited Online pass on top of your WonderPlan or BusyMum plans, you can get a Flexipass that will give you 5 credits. Each online class is 0.5 credits. However, adding the online classes to a studio contract costs less than 2 online classes with a Flexipass, therefore we recommend that if you are planning to come online at least once a month, the addon is more interesting as you have unlimited online classes and the video library access too.

I have an Unlimited Online plan, but want to come to the studio some time2021-09-16T11:13:32+02:00

If you have an Online only plan, you have two options.

  1. You can buy a Flexipass for 5 sessions (at member price)
  2. You can get single drop in classes, in a similar way as a top up.
How to get a single studio class then?2021-09-16T11:16:30+02:00

When you want to book a class, the system will present you with the available pricing options that can be used for that service. If you have a valid plan of Flexipass, it will use that one. Otherwise, it will display what is available for you to buy, depending on your membership.

If you have an Unlimited Online pass, among other options you will see the 1 studio class (Unlimited Online) and Flexipass cards.

How to join an online class?2021-09-22T13:20:01+02:00

Here is a comprehensive guide from MindBody on how to find the link to the class, and different ways you can join.


Where is the studio located?2021-09-11T15:35:38+02:00

The studio is located in Avenue Émile de Mot 22, 1000 Bruxelles, in front of the Abbaye de la Cambre and very near Avenue Louise and the beginning of Bois de la Cambre.

How to get to the studio?2021-09-11T15:34:43+02:00

There is usually plenty of parking spots in front of the studio. However, beware of the rush hour between 5-6pm.

If you come by public transport, you have:

  • Tram 7 and 8: Stop Cambre-Étoile
  • Tram 8 and 93: Stop Legrand
  • Bus 366
What do I need to bring to class?2021-09-11T15:38:37+02:00

The classes are normally barefoot. You can bring indoor shoes for WonderWomums classes. There is a shoe rack at the entrance for you to leave your outdoor shoes.

You need to bring comfortable sports clothes and a bottle of water. For the rest, we got you covered.

Is there a place to park my stroller?2021-09-11T15:40:27+02:00

Yes, we have a designated area at the entrance where you can park your stroller. Please be mindful of not bringing too much dirt from the outside into the studio. If it’s rainy, we kindly ask you to shake the dirt off the wheels before entering, if possible.

What if I need to change my baby’s diaper or feed him?2021-09-11T15:43:44+02:00

There is a changing table with toiletries available for you to use to change your baby’s diaper.

We also have a high chair and a microwave at your disposal in case you need to feed him.


What is the SuperMums Community?2021-09-11T00:15:53+02:00

The SuperMums Community is where all our mums and mums to be come together to share experiences. This is mainly done via our private WhatsApp groups. In here, our professionals and all of our mums share advice, experience and help each other in anything related to parenthood and sport. Great conversations arise around the most varied topics like kindergarten, best evolving chair for your kids, my baby behaves like this, does yours too?, etc.

Sounds great! I want to be in the WhatsApp groups!2021-09-11T00:19:46+02:00

The Community is meant for active SuperMums members. You can join our WhatsApp groups if you become a SuperMums member. You can do so by buying it in its own, but even better, it is included for free in all of our monthly plans.
Becoming a member is so much more than the community, though, as you will benefit from member prices for your Flexipass and workshops, get abdominal evaluations, etc! You can check the details of each membership in the pricing page.

Why a membership fee?2021-09-11T02:34:39+02:00

If you are an active member of SuperMums, meaning that you come often to class, be it at the studio or online with a monthly plan, the membership is included for free.

For less active mums, a membership fee is required to gain access to the community because it is a very valuable resource of people and knowledge, and it takes quite some effort to maintain and moderate.

If you are an former client, don’t want to be an active member of the classes and just be in the community, or you come sporadically via a Flexipass, then the symbolic fee of 1 €/week is requested for this membership.

General information


What is diastasis?2021-09-10T20:05:56+02:00

Diastasis recti, or also called abdominal diastasis, is a separation on the rectus abdominis. It affects the pelvic floor because it co-acts with the diaphragm and the lumbar column. When one fails, the others are affected.

It can appear:

  • during pregnancy (66 % of women suffer diastasis during the third trimester)
  • constipation
  • training your abs through the traditional crunches
Why is it bad for me?2021-09-10T20:06:53+02:00

It’s bad for you because it induces

  • back pain
  • digestive problems
  • favors abdominal hernias
  • unbalanced posture
How do I know if I have diastasis?2021-09-10T20:07:44+02:00

Before starting our sessions we will evaluate your diastasis. If when you touch your abdominus rectus (anywhere above or below your bellybutton) your abs are separated by more than 2 cm, it is possible that you suffer diastasis.

How can I correct it?2021-09-10T20:08:37+02:00

Diastasis can be prevented and corrected through the hypopressive exercises performed during Low Pressure Fitness sessions. Extra care needs to be taken during other types of exercises, that’s why our sessions are tailored to your needs in case you have diastasis.

Pelvic floor

What is the pelvic floor?2021-09-10T20:09:14+02:00

The pelvic floor is the muscle that holds the bladder, the uterus and the rectum.

It can weaken due to:

  • giving birth
  • constipation and the effort to evacuate
  • performing high impact sports like running, biking or CrossFit
  • doing ab crunches
Is my pelvic floor weak?2021-09-10T20:09:53+02:00

If when you cough your belly inflates outwards or you can feel the pelvic floor moving downwards, your pelvic floor may be weak and can’t hold in its place as it should.

That leak cannot be urinary incontinence, can it?2021-09-10T20:11:04+02:00

If in the past 5 months you have had a slight urine leak while running, coughing or laughing, you may indeed have urinary incontinence. It can be very frequent or sporadic, but it indicates a weak pelvic floor.

What is a prolapsus?2021-09-10T20:11:52+02:00

The pelvic floor holds the bladder, the uterus and the rectum. The vagina doesn’t have a sphincter, so if your pelvic floor is weak and can’t hold these organs, they can slide out of the vagina.

The most common prolapses are:

  • Bladder prolapsus or cystocele: When the bladder herniates into the vagina.
  • Uterus prolapsus: When the uterus herniates into the vagina.
  • Rectum prolapsus: When the rectum herniates into the vagina.
How can I fix my prolapsus?2021-09-10T20:12:38+02:00

Low Pressure Fitness is the best method to prevent this,  as it focuses on strengthening it through hypopressive exercises. If it’s severe, however, surgery may be required.

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