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Aida is our physical therapist. She treats women during both pregnancy and postpartum, as well as sports injuries and work/parenting pains. Every Tuesday and Thursday at SuperMums.
Read more about AidaBea's certifications
She also holds the following certifications:
– Bmom Gym (Prenatal & postnatal fitness) level 2 (Madrid, Spain 2017)
– Low Pressure Fitness instructor level 3. Certified. (Madrid, Spain 2016)
– BMOM Gym. Prenatal and Postnatal training level 1. (Barcelona, Spain – 2016)
– Physical Activity during Pregnancy and Postpartum
– Active Pregnancy System (2019, American College of Sports Medicine)
– Woman: Hormones, Nutrition and training. (2018. NSCA CEU)
– Training Women Athletes. (2020 Wingsport & Exercise and Women’s Health)
– Abdominal-perineal-diaphragmatic reeducation, Guillarme method (Rééducation abdomino-périnéo-diaphragmatique selon la méthode Guillarme, Parnasse ISEI 2018, Brussels.)
– Abs, stop the massacre! (Abdominaux, arrêtez le massacre !, Bernadette de Gasquet. Parnasse ISEI. 2020, Brussels)
– No+diastasis certification (2021)

Beatriz holds a degree in Physical Education, she is a personal trainer specialized in fitness during pregnancy and post-partum. She is also a certified trainer of Low Pressure Fitness, the first and only in Belgium.
Read moreMore about Aida
Who am I?
My name is Aida, recently mom, and my baby and I will meet you at SuperMums.
How did I become a practitioner?
It was during my years as a professional swimmer in Spain that I got interested in physical therapy and Pilates.
I became a practitioner in 2014 (UDL) and Pilates instructor years later (2009).
Also, to complete some treatments like scars or lymphatic treatment, I got the PF as an aesthetics professional.
In Brussels, I got the certificate in Exercise Therapy, which includes pregnant women and diabetes (UCL).
- Manual therapy for pelvic floor, pain and endometriosis
- Exercise Therapy for pregnant women and diabetes
- Sophrology & pregnancy labor
- Physiotherapy and breastfeeding
- Plagiocephaly and torticollis newborn
- Maxillary joint and headache
- Scars and lymphatic treatment (Aesthetics professional)
When should you get an appointment ?
Pregnant woman: You are welcome any time of the pregnancy, (ischiopubic pain, round ligament pain, back issues…) and during the 3° trimester to prepare your pelvic floor and to cope with pain.
Welcome at any moment, profit to relax yourself, take some gentle breathing exercises, drain your legs.
Pelvic floor treatment, after the OK of your gyneco or 7th week.
If c-section, as of the 8th week.
PMA traitement: come 2 months before your due date and the week before the transfer to prepare your womb.
Sport injuries: Women and men are welcome. Come as soon as possible to prevent getting recidives.
Work injuries / Parent injuries: Homeworking, work, also having a child is not easy (no matter their age): emotions get stuck on our body and can create trigger points.
That is enough reason for you to come and give a moment to yourself.

Beatriz holds a degree in Physical Education, she is a personal trainer specialized in fitness during pregnancy and post-partum. She is also a certified trainer of Low Pressure Fitness, the first and only in Belgium.
Read moreBea's certifications
She also holds the following certifications:
– Bmom Gym (Prenatal & postnatal fitness) level 2 (Madrid, Spain 2017)
– Low Pressure Fitness instructor level 3. Certified. (Madrid, Spain 2016)
– BMOM Gym. Prenatal and Postnatal training level 1. (Barcelona, Spain – 2016)
– Physical Activity during Pregnancy and Postpartum
– Active Pregnancy System (2019, American College of Sports Medicine)
– Woman: Hormones, Nutrition and training. (2018. NSCA CEU)
– Training Women Athletes. (2020 Wingsport & Exercise and Women’s Health)
– Abdominal-perineal-diaphragmatic reeducation, Guillarme method (Rééducation abdomino-périnéo-diaphragmatique selon la méthode Guillarme, Parnasse ISEI 2018, Brussels.)
– Abs, stop the massacre! (Abdominaux, arrêtez le massacre !, Bernadette de Gasquet. Parnasse ISEI. 2020, Brussels)
– No+diastasis certification (2021)

Aida is our physical therapist. She treats women during both pregnancy and postpartum, as well as sports injuries and work/parenting pains. Every Tuesday and Thursday at SuperMums.
Read more about AidaMore about Aida
Who am I?
My name is Aida, recently mom, and my baby and I will meet you at SuperMums.
How did I become a practitioner?
It was during my years as a professional swimmer in Spain that I got interested in physical therapy and Pilates.
I became a practitioner in 2014 (UDL) and Pilates instructor years later (2009).
Also, to complete some treatments like scars or lymphatic treatment, I got the PF as an aesthetics professional.
In Brussels, I got the certificate in Exercise Therapy, which includes pregnant women and diabetes (UCL).
- Manual therapy for pelvic floor, pain and endometriosis
- Exercise Therapy for pregnant women and diabetes
- Sophrology & pregnancy labor
- Physiotherapy and breastfeeding
- Plagiocephaly and torticollis newborn
- Maxillary joint and headache
- Scars and lymphatic treatment (Aesthetics professional)
When should you get an appointment ?
Pregnant woman: You are welcome any time of the pregnancy, (ischiopubic pain, round ligament pain, back issues…) and during the 3° trimester to prepare your pelvic floor and to cope with pain.
Welcome at any moment, profit to relax yourself, take some gentle breathing exercises, drain your legs.
Pelvic floor treatment, after the OK of your gyneco or 7th week.
If c-section, as of the 8th week.
PMA traitement: come 2 months before your due date and the week before the transfer to prepare your womb.
Sport injuries: Women and men are welcome. Come as soon as possible to prevent getting recidives.
Work injuries / Parent injuries: Homeworking, work, also having a child is not easy (no matter their age): emotions get stuck on our body and can create trigger points.
That is enough reason for you to come and give a moment to yourself.
Our studio
Avenue Émile de Mot 22, Bruxelles